Si vous parlez français
Name of Requesting Organization: *
Please provide a brief description of your organization and the communities you represent or serve.
Contact person at your organization: *
E-mail address of contact person: *
Which legal subject, or subjects, would you like us to talk about? Check all that apply, but note that we recommend scheduling a separate session for each subject. *Tenants’ RightsWorkers’ RightsIncome Security ProgramsImmigration and RefugeeOther
Are there any specific topics or questions you would like the session to cover? (E.g. employment rights and covid, tenants' rights in rooming houses,...)
Would you prefer that the session take place... *
In personVirtually over ZoomVirtually over another platform
If you would like the session to take place in person, please specify the proposed location.
Please specify your preferred date range and time for the presentation. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences, subject to caseworkers' schedules.
How many people do you expect to attend the session? (Your best guess.)
What should we know about the people who will be attending the session? (Do they have specific accommodation needs? Are they community members who are looking for information on their own behalf, or professionals/staff members who want information to assist their clientele?)
I understand that the presenters can provide general information about the law, but cannot give legal advice to attendees. *Yes